Set in ancient China, Zeng Jing is a skilled assassin who finds herself in possession of a mystical Buddhist monk’s remains. She begins a quest to return the remains to its rightful resting place, and thus places herself in mortal danger because a team of assassins is in a deadly pursuit to possess the remains which holds an ancient power-wielding secret.
Genre: Action, Adventures
iMDB Rating: 6.8/10 8.9k votes
Directed by: Chao-Bin Su, John Woo
Starring: Michelle Yeoh, Woo-sung Jung, Kelly Lin, Barbie Hsu
Release Name: Reign.Of.Assassins.2010.720p.BluRay.x264-aBD
Video: MKV
Audio: Mandarin
Runtime: 1h 55min
Subtitle: English
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